St Mary’s Annual Lecture

Over the last few years, we have been stimulated and enthralled by outstanding speakers. In 2014, the pollster, Professor John Curtice as we approached the independence referendum. In 2015, Dr Alistair Macintosh as we looked at spirituality and our much-endangered environment; and in 2016, Sir Kenneth Calman who made a journey of enquiry for us into the level of our quality of life in Scotland today.

The Annual St Mary’s Lecture 2017

The St Mary’s Annual Lecture 2017 was held on Thursday 6th April. The Lecture was given by the Revd Lt. Col Nicholas Mercer, Human Rights Lawyer of the Year 2013.

The Annual St Mary’s Lecture 2018

Dr. George Marshall, the Sir Jules Thorn Lecturer in Ophthalmic Science gave the lecture entitled Science and Faith.

The Annual St Mary’s Lecture 2019

Held on 23rd of May the Lecture was a photo-documentary on a medical trip up the Peruvian Amazon led by Dr. Jonathan Cossar.

The 2020 Annual Lecture was cancelled due to the  Coronavirus pandemic.